Written by Rachel about taste memories.....
I can enjoy food just having it in my memory.......can you? I bet everyone has moments where they associate a certain food with a specific time and a special feeling. Mine is a time in college, returning from a family holiday visit. My
roomate and best gal-pal to this day, arrived with a care package from her mother. My anticipation of what a mother might pack for her daughter returning to college was nothing compared to what we got. After our long drive from the New York/New Jersey area to Boston where we went to school, the care package was revealed. It was, in addition to a great chicken soup that her mother was known for, a fully cooked, ready to eat, roasted turkey. I remember sitting at our kitchen table, ripping into the turkey with our hands, eating all our favorite parts and enjoying the freedom to do that, versus: sitting at the table, politely eating a bunch of side dishes, that serve to distract from the main draw,then rarely get the part of the turkey that you most wanted. That feeling and the taste of that turkey has stayed with me to this day,and I try to incorporate as many of those kinds of feelings as I can in a day! Don't you?